Road repair, school children parents in trouble

Chinmaya Vidyalaya, P&T colony junction, traffic jam
Chinmaya Vidyalaya, P&T colony junction, traffic jam

Chinmaya Vidyalaya, P&T colony junction, traffic jam

Chinmaya Vidyalaya, P&T colony junction, traffic jam

This event is near belly area of AnnaNagar, this morning 8:30 AM, Chinmaya Vidyala school and P&T quarters, One side of the road has been completely dug till the end of the road to facilitate cables. And there is huge traffic Jam happens right at this junction.

The request is to complete a portion of work, at least near this junction ASAP so that children and parents do not have be late to school and work.

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One thought on “Road repair, school children parents in trouble

  1. raja says:

    This really an important issue to be noticed, but this may get resolved once the repair work is over. but there is a big issue which is creating a traffic nuisance in every corners in chennai.its the garbage collectors. when onix had the contract the used to collect the garbage at night, that was really good for the traffic. but the current company is doing it in the peak hours at morning.really its an annoying issue in the current time….here and there the traffic is dumped, even the carriers are not cared about it.they want the public(one who is paying the tax) to adjust for them. its always been an obstacle to road users in the morning hours(peak hours)…..if any one here good hearted and willing to make the city good,please take this issue to the concern department and take necessary steps to regulate it…i also request the blog owner to prepare a blog about this problem……………….Thanks


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